Before & After Pro Cleaning pricing
is based on a
What factors into that flat rate?
Pricing ADD-ONS:
Replace Beds Linens: $10 per bed
Dust/Wipe Blinds:
$5 per window
(Deep clean of blinds. Dusting, wiping around edges, removing stuck on dirt, scrubbing with soap and water)
Fridge / Freezer Interior Deep Clean:
(Soap and water scrub out and washing of all pull out drawers, sanitize and odor removal )
Cabinets: $20 Bathroom Cabinets
$50 Kitchen Cabinets
(Interior wipe down & exterior polish and shine)
Interior Oven Clean: $35
Load & Run Dishwasher: $10
Wash & Sanitize Household Trashcans:
(NOT outdoor dumpster)
Vacuum Carpet /Wash Baseboards: $50
Doors Sanitized & Wiped down: $20-$40
Spot Clean Walls:
(fingerprints, etc)
Phone Number
Business Hours